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由本校華語中心主辦的「台灣首府大學2019年度外籍學生華語、台語歌唱比賽」即日起開始報名囉!! 只要敢秀,就有機會獲得便利商店禮券唷!!
◎比賽日期Contest Date: ※初賽Preliminary: 2 0 1 9年 12 月 17 日(星期二) 10 : 30 【請於 10 : 00 之前完成報到手續】 At 10:30 a.m., Tuesday, December 17, 2019. (All the contestants should register at 10:00 a.m.) ※決賽Final: 2 0 1 9年 12 月 26 日(星期四) 10 : 30 【請於 10 : 00 之前完成報到手續】 At 10:30 a.m., Thursday, December 26, 2019. (All the contestants should register at 10:00 a.m.) ◎比賽地點Venue: ※初賽Preliminary: 致勤樓TA301教室 TA301 Classroom, TSU ※決賽Final: 致遠樓(D)一樓 1st Floor of D Building, TSU ◎比賽類別Event: ※獨唱組Solo: 開放至多8名報名初賽,並評選出6名進入決賽。 Maximum:8 people (6 persons will be selected for the final contest) ※對唱組Singing duo: 開放至多8組報名初賽,並評選出6組進入決賽。 Maximum:8 groups (6 groups will be selected for the final contest) ※合唱組(三~五人)Chorus: 開放至多8組報名初賽,並評選出6組進入決賽。 Maximum:8 groups (6 groups will be selected for the final contest) 【注意】 1.請自行選定一首華語/台語歌曲,並自行準備伴唱帶。 One self-selected song. Karaoke Music Video will not be provided, please bring your own Karaoke Music Video. 2.名額有限,額滿為止。 First come, first served. ◎報名資訊Application: 請於 2019 年 12 月 13 日(星期五) 12 : 00 之前,將報名表、伴唱帶繳交至華語中心辦公室( TC216 )。 Please hand in the application form and Karaoke Music Video to the Office of Chinese Language Center (TC216) before 12:00 p.m., Friday, December 13, 2019. ◎評分標準Standard of Grading: 由華語中心聘請專業人士擔任評審,並針對下列項目進行評分: Jury composed of professionals hired by organizer. ※發音口齒Pronunciation:40% ※音色音準Timbre & Pitch:40% ※技巧Technique:10% ※儀態服裝Expression & Costume:10% ◎獎勵Reward: ※參加獎Parting Gifts: 凡進入決賽者,每名(組)皆可獲得便利商店禮券 $100 元。 All the contestants or groups will get the NT$100 gift certificate of convenience store. ※各類別擇優錄取三名(組)。(得視參賽人數調整) *獨唱組Solo: 第一名:獎狀乙紙、便利商店禮券 $1,000 元。 1st Prize: a certificate and the NT$1,000 gift certificate of convenience store. 第二名:獎狀乙紙、便利商店禮券 $800 元。 2nd Prize: a certificate and the NT$800 gift certificate of convenience store. 第三名:獎狀乙紙、便利商店禮券 $600 元。 3rd Prize: a certificate and the NT$600 gift certificate of convenience store. *對唱組Singing duo: 第一名:獎狀乙紙、便利商店禮券 $1,200 元。 1st Prize: a certificate and the NT$1,200 gift certificate of convenience store. 第二名:獎狀乙紙、便利商店禮券 $1,000 元。 2nd Prize: a certificate and the NT$1,000 gift certificate of convenience store. 第三名:獎狀乙紙、便利商店禮券 $800 元。 3rd Prize: a certificate and the NT$800 gift certificate of convenience store. *合唱組Chorus: 第一名:獎狀乙紙、便利商店禮券 $1,400 元。 1st Prize: a certificate and the NT$1,400 gift certificate of convenience store. 第二名:獎狀乙紙、便利商店禮券 $1,200 元。 2nd Prize: a certificate and the NT$1,200 gift certificate of convenience store. 第三名:獎狀乙紙、便利商店禮券 $1,000 元。 3rd Prize: a certificate and the NT$1,000 gift certificate of convenience store. ◎備註Note: 若有未盡事宜與變更事項,華語中心保留修改、終止、變更比賽內容之權利。 If you have any queries, please connect to Chinese Language Center, TSU.